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Daily Archives: May 11, 2014

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“Pale Blue Eyes”

 The sun rose above Mount San Jacinto, east of Lake Elsinore. Fog drifted across the cold water and Sarah sat shotgun in the red mini-van while two boys sat in the back, including her boyfriend, Brendan. I was unsure about this love affair because they

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The sky is the bright orange of midnight, and it hangs like salted dew on my tongue. I inhale the filthy perfume with a gasp in, a rattle out, and Mom says not to huff the ozone but it fills me with greedy thoughts of

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“Sea Song”

I’d sing you a better lullaby, babygirl, if these chipped walls cradled soft notes right. They sag and give, the way Mama’s voice does when she tries to sing the doxology.   Church never held no cradle for me, but you know how She grew

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“Long Distance”

I get his text in the middle of the day between ignoring looming paper deadlines and watching my best friend rant. It’s the first sign of life from him in over a month and the messages reads a simple “Sup.” S—soft and hissing, ice creaking

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“The Silo”

Silo number nine looked like the Tin Man’s head, bearded with the shed that bristles Management Only The fog clung to the roof like a laurel, wreathed with six dollars more the next Friday. Walking down the corn was a grown man’s job, and Your

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Missing you is easy when The rim of my red plastic bowl Chips gawkish fractures into the egg in my palm. Maybe I miss the porcelain bowls you picked out when I was seven. Maybe Inland Empire Eggshells just crumple easier into my bowl-bound Flour