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Daily Archives: February 16, 2020

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No Thank You

CHARACTERS: BETH & LESLIE are women in their 30s. BETH is dressed comfortably but conservatively. Her hair & makeup are put together. LESLIE has a bolder look. She has a few tasteful piercings & edgy accessories. SETTING: A coffee shop. Today. AT RISE: Beth sits

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This Is How You Move Through The World

This is how you move through the world when you’re a young boy: you just move.   Forward and back, side to side, and up and down. You climb trees when the days are fat with sunshine. You stomp down in muddy rain puddles. You

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The morning goes as it always does: my gramma gently pulls me out of bed at 6 a.m., an hour after she’s already had her Folgers, pursued her lips at the news, and quickly changed the channel to her soaps. I am five years old,

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Alexa, What Comes Next?

My dead grandfather won’t let me sleep at night. He’s highjacked my Amazon Echo and tortures me at all hours of the night. “Alexa, stop playing music,” I say to the dark of my room as Johnny Cash belts cry, cry, cry. It isn’t the